Now is the Time to Ensure You are Prepared.
Times are uncertain with everything that is happening in the world right now. You hear through social media about what is going on in #China with the resurgence of the virus, even though China is reported by Worldometers as only having had 5,272 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic as of February 6, 2023. This is incredible [literally unbelievable] with a population of over 1.4 billion.
If you live in New York, Florida, or various other places, you have already begun receiving reminders and public announcements about what to do in case of nuclear emergencies.
Recently the United Stated military shot down the #ChineseSpyballoon, which the Chinese government has condemned.
You know that good information is scarce and future lockdowns, whether they be due to nuclear war threats or disease, are eminent.
The purpose of this e-zine is not to scare you, but to ensure you are prepared.
What You May Need in Your Home in Case of Emergency.
There are basic things you may need in case of emergency besides food and water, and some of these things are listed below:
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You must have a method of communication with public officials and emergency broadcast stations in case of a power outage or black out. A solar powered radio, will provide you with information from you local authorities, a flashlight and usb ports. You can also use it to charge your cell phones....all by solar power and one thing you know is that no human has the power to stop the Sun!
Keep a stock of tests in case someone in your family or neighborhood becomes sick.
Accidents are bound to happen, but you may not be able to get to a health facility. Be sure to have a good first aid kit within reach.
You need to have a stash of gasoline, but you must put it in a safe container. Be sure to have something to store it in.
All you #preppers know the same thing goes for water.