What Are Vitamin Patches? Are They Better Than Pills? (5 Reasons to Try Them)

 Please read:  We are not medical doctors. Please consult a physician before starting any vitamin therapy.

Vitamin Patches Are Very Convenient and Now Are More Readily Available Online.

If you have purchased tons of vitamins and stopped taking them when you found that higher dosages = bigger pills, you are not alone.  What usually happens is after a few days, you skip a day. Then you come back to them and choke one down.  Sooner rather than later you dread taking the pill and after wretching one last time, you're done, at least for now.  The older you are the harder the pills become to swallow, but before you quit vitamins all together, there is good news!

More and more products, to include vitamins, are on the market in many new forms to include B vitamins, D vitamins and multivitamins and they are coming in dosages that are higher than what you typically find in the corner drugstore.  

You can receive a prescription for high doses of Vitamin D2. You can usually only find up to 5000 iu of vitamin D3 over the counter -- this is 125 mcg.  Not only can you find 400mcg of Vitamin D3 online without a prescription, but it is in the form of a patch that comes highly recommended. You can read the reviews here. (AD)

You See Patches All the Time on People, but May Assume They Are for Other Purposes.

You've likely seen people with medical patches on their arms.  Many medicines come in the form of patches; medicines for high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, birth control, mental health issues; as well as for nicotine addictions, hormone therapy and many other uses.

Unless the instructions on the patch state that the patch must be placed in a specific location, you can put them on other body areas that are not seen by the general public.

What is the Largest Organ in the Human Body?  The Skin is the Largest Organ in the Human Body!

You must be careful of everything that you put on your skin because it is the largest organ in the human body weighing anywhere from 8-10 lbs and covering about 22 square feet on an adult!  

Many who are on medical weight loss regimens are told by their doctors not to use oil on their skin because it can translate to weight gain.  That is how absorbant the skin is!

The benefit of taking medicines and vitamins through transdermal absorption is:

  1. You don't have to taste, swallow or digest pills.
  2. You absorb only 30% of vitamins when you take them through regular digestion.  Generally you absorb up to 90% of vitamin dosages from patches.
  3. Patches take up less luggage space if you travel.
  4. Topical medicines are said to cause less side effects than medicines taken internally.
  5. Skin is one of the fastest routes to the bloodstream.

We always recommend items that we love and hope that you are as happy as we were to discover this form of vitamin therapy.